Tri-Valley was founded by Jim Jelincic on April 1, 2002. Jim spent 22 years with one of the largest paper and packaging distributors in North America in sales and management.
Distribution has changed considerably over that period of time. Many companies searched for efficiencies by combining facilities. With the advent of mega centers and 800 numbers, customer services declined as new bureaucracies choked the very things that made these companies successful in the past. In the zealous quest for shareholder equity and profitability, minimum order sizes have escalated beyond reasonable levels for many small and mid-size customers. We have a better way.
Our goal is to return to basics; to have the phone answered by a real person; to get prompt answers to your questions; to make timely deliveries; to treat every customer with respect; to earn our customers trust; to exceed our customers needs and expectations; to be considered a partner by our customers, not just a supplier.